Lamar Schools

All students must be immunized to attend school 08.16.1962
Artist's drawing of new auditorium & gym 04.24.53
Artist's drawing of Old Main replacement 05.05.1962
B C Schools per Reba Young 00.00.81
Barnwarming Queen 10.26.55
Bldg committee for new school tours Old Main 03.24.1962
Bond issue for new school passed 9 to 1 05.09.1962
Bond issue of $225,000 for Old Main replacement 4.26.1962
Construction begins on new cafeteria 06.18.1953
Ed Patterson breaks half mile record 05.16.1957 
Homecoming queen for 1962 10.15.1962 
Ind Arts' new German band 10.17.52
Joe Bailey & other Lamar bus drivers 00.00.1963 
Joe Bailey & others enjoy picnic 08.00.1981
Joe Bailey bus & some urchins 00.00.1951
Joe Bailey buys bus from F Boss 11.17.1961
Joe Bailey Lamar bus driver 00.00.1951
Joe Bailey retires from bus routes after 34 years 00.00.1981
Lamar coach Bob Howard moving on 02.20.1964
Lamar coach Vic Reaves to retire 03.28.1964
Lamar College 00.00.00
Lamar College 07.04.72
Lamar College old days 07.04.72
Lamar FFA short history 02.23.55
Lamar footballers start practices 08.11.1962  
Lamar girls as teachers 09.10.1925
Lamar H S Band & Sweater girls 10.25.56
Lamar H S Gymnasium fire 00.00.54
Lamar H S honor society of 1962 04.02.1962
Lamar H S in scholarship contest 02.14.1929
Lamar H S librarians for Bookmobile 03.27.56
Lamar H S short history 11.03.53
Lamar has 6 straight E students 02.18.1944
Lamar has some straight E students 03.28.1964
Lamar high school librarian 00.00.1950
Lamar high school students begin moving 05.16.1963
Lamar high school teacher William Sellers 00.00.1951
Lamar high school teachers 00.00.1951
Lamar junior high school construction 08.22.1963
Lamar Middle School lobby 00.00.63
Lamar Middle School lobby p2 00.00.63 
Lamar names Jay Akers athletic director 02.29.1964
Lamar pre-schoolers have last story hour 04.01.1961
Lamar School 00.00.1929
Lamar school board sends letter to rural boards 01.16.1964 
Lamar School board votes to close Wray school 06.20.1918
Lamar school buys 12ac from Jeffries 07.11.1963
Lamar school buys 12ac tract on E side of town 05.14.1959
Lamar school cooking staff 00.00.1963
Lamar school enrollment hits all time high 09.04.1962
Lamar School Picture
Lamar School song 00.00.00
Lamar school starts new stadium 06.11.1948
Lamar school students will have a milk bar 12.01.1942
Lamar State Farmers degree candidates 04.03.1962
Lamar students have milk w lunch 11.28.1929
Lamar to have new band uniforms 03.17.1964
Lamar to host B C Teachers Institute 04.07.1870
Lamar to take students from some rural districts 08.20.1962
Lamar School ca 1896-1900
Lamar School ca 1898-1902
Lamar school files damage suit 01.15.1964
Leon Couch selected as new principal 06.05.1942
Mouthpieces for all football players 08.07.1962
Nazis in Lamar schools p1 02.17.1 960
Nazis in Lamar schools p2 02.18.1960
Nazis in Lamar schools p3 02.19.1960
Nazis in Lamar schools p4 02.24.1960
Nazis in Lamar schools p5 02.24.1960
New Auditorium & Gymnasium p1 03.19.54
New Auditorium & Gymnasium p2 03.19.54
New Cafeteria 09.04.53
New Elementary bldg bids opened 10.30.53
New fact & curriculum for Lamar schools 08.18.1960
New lights for 1 way street 04.23.1959
New school bldg contract to Pittsburg firm 09.20.1962
New school bldg is approved by board 08.16.1962
New school bldg plans explained to board 02.24.1962
Old Main begins to come down 06.06.1963
Old Main open house tour well attended 11.16.1962
Old Main problems include falling plaster 04.28.1962 
Old Main replacement work begins next week 10.24.1962
Old Main replacement work progressing steadily 12.29.1962
Old Main  11.03.1962
Old Main to be replaced 04.21.1962 
Old Main tour shows problems 05.05.1962
Old Main toured by senior citizens 05.07.1962 
Old Main's beginning of the end 11.03.1962 
Old Negro School 00.00.1940
Plans of new school bldg explained 03.31.1962
Retiring teachers 00.00.00
St Joseph College 07.06.1911
Stadium Drive 01.21.47
Stadium Drive 10.01.48
State monies going to B Co schools 01.23.1962
State monies going to B Co schools 03.19.1962
Statue of Liberty p2 09.12.50
Statue of Liberty p3 04.04.50
Stop signs on Gulf st for school 09.06.56
Teachers Examinations 03.08.1917
Ted Windes long time supt of Lamar school 05.00.1981
Washington School 06.24.1981
Wray School Bldg sells 09.16.1920